If you don’t feel empowered enough by what you learn here, feel free to speak with an expert.

Winning at tax: 6 questions you need to ask yourself today!
Am I a provisional taxpayer? If you earn additional income that is not taxed by an employer, then YES. Am I an individual income taxpayer?

Your “New Year’s Resolutions” list?
Lose weight Get a 6-pack Get your tax and accounting in tip-top shape! Here are 6 “must-knows” about tax and accounting that need to be

Insurance and tax: two things most of us avoid like the plague. But they can be hugely beneficial. Here’s why!
We strive to give our clients holistic financial support that (actually!) benefits them. Not only do we have the tea when it comes to tax,

SARS is doing things a little differently… what does this mean for taxpayers?
Here at the TTT Financial Group, we encounter scared and confused people on the daily. People with questions like: “How do I submit tax when

We put the “human” back into tax – and corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Here at TTT-Tax Services, we pride ourselves how we prioritise giving back to the community. Meet two TTT treasures: Annerie Nel (Training Manager) and Shannon

Do you procrastinate when it comes to tax?
Don’t worry, a lot of people do. We chatted with our very own Johan and Roscoe Dekker who run the TTT tax team and asked

Did you party like it’s 1999 when you got your auto assessment? Or was it more like 2000 NYE end-of-world vibes?
(… Or maybe you’re wondering what we’re talking about?) A lot of surprised people recently received a tax refund from SARS – before having even

Taxes are terrifying. (But they don’t have to be.)
Here’s the thing: for many people, taxes are terrifying. But they don’t have to be. If you have a passion for knowing the tax system

Does tax season scare you? Here’s why it shouldn’t:
The Tax Team (TTT) has tax season sorted and, very importantly, we actually give a sh*t about our clients. Tax season for most of us

SARS Has Already Coughed Up R62.1b – How Much of that is Yours?
SARS recently revealed in a media statement that it has already paid more than R62.1bn in refunds to taxpayers, as of October 2. R49.8bn were

Good News Expats, Your First R1m is Free
After receiving more than 1300 written comments to its draft bills, (760 of those commenting on the financial impact of the legislation), the National Treasury

3 Reasons Not to Skip Filing Your Tax Return
If you earn less than R350,000 in a year, you may not have to file a tax return in 2017 according to recent communication from
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